Newcastle Utd

Kick it out want talks with Newcastle over their fans wearing "Arab head gear and clothes' now although I think the geordies are ad thick as shit for wearing it in the first place, but how the fuck is that racist? Do we complain if a Arab wears Jean's and dressing like us? When will this bollocks end
Kick it out want talks with Newcastle over their fans wearing "Arab head gear and clothes'
I think kick it out should be talking to the regime/ owners that oversee the beheading of bods, stoning of Doris's and aduterers, but they're obviously a minority group so it's okay. While they're at it they could have a word with Fifa and Qatar about the six thousand deaths of asian and african slave workers that are shipped in to build shiny new stadia for the ' football family '. I'm sure they'll be on to to it, they're just a bit busy right now*
What utter nonsense. What next?
.No Father Christmas?
No British Officers wearing the Arab Legion headress on Rembrance Day at The Cenotaph ?
No Lowland Scot allowed to wea"r a kilt?
Non Mancuniansalloeed to wear a "Manure" shirt( that'd cut the sales by 90%)

The list is endless.

Stupid pratts.I

In a statement from i think N Utd, maybe KIO they said " people who don't normally wear one should refrain from doing so."
Did'nt realise they were the fashion norm in the clubs and pubs of Geordieland. 🤔

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