All this about GR

GR is a hard subject to talk about as it’s a constant contradiction. We are now well established top 10 championship team who (mostly) are hard to beat and punch well above our weight for club size, and he’s has to be applauded for that. At the same time though we mostly play shit negative football, and it’s had a big effect on what Den crowds used to be. I can see why he’s disliked even with our position, it’s painful to watch and honestly in his time here how many times have you left a game thinking “fuck me we played well”. It’s like we can’t have both, attacking good/better to watch football and a strong league position. He has to step up next season though as mentioned before, we have been found out and he doesn’t seem have a plan b. At some point it will go wrong with him and he will go, will it be a case of you don’t know what you’ve got till its gone….who knows.
He has to step up next season though as mentioned before, we have been found out and he doesn’t seem have a plan b.
I don't think any half decent manager will get any better out of what Rowett has at his disposal. Plan B is all about money, you have the players you can have a plan B on the pitch. He's getting the best out of an slightly above average squad. FFP rules alone make it difficult for clubs with our small turnover to go any higher.

All this he has to step up, where's this come from? It's like we're Norwich and West broms fans ramblings about how they're a premier club and should be walking over teams like Millwall.
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I was referring to plan b tactically not financially. GR has done a great job to make us a solid hard to beat team, but there will come a point where other teams will know exactly how to beat us, in fact I’d say that’s already happening. If you only know one way with no plan b….then it can only take you so far. I’d love to see a switch of tactics early if things ain’t working, or better earlier subs he’s to predictable with it all. Stepping up as a manager would be looking at ways of changing how we play if it’s not working. I’m happy with him but I can also see why people get pissed off with his football.
That's all well and good if you have the players to see those tactics out, we don't and Rowett has said as much previously. He's doing what all shrewd managers do and playing to our strengths. That was fine all season, we're tiring a bit, without a win in four? and all of a sudden the managers ways are being questioned again. Always the way on forums. Maybe you just can't win all the time. And you'll never please the fans, have seen people complain after a win. Fucking hell :rotfl:
I don’t understand all this not having a plan b stuff. What does it even mean? It sounds like a meaningless generic criticism to me. If you’re talking tactics then of course Rowett has a plan B in every game, and a plan C, E, F and probably a G too.

He’s not running a Sunday morning team here, opposition teams and players are watched and studied for weeks before a match and the team including the substitutes are picked accordingly. It’s amazing that people constantly harp on about formations and tactics when most of them don’t have the first understanding of it.

I watched an interview with Rowett a couple of days after the Burnley game and he casually mentioned that he had to swap the formation three times in the second half alone to counter Burnley’s changes. Not one of the tactical geniuses on here had picked up on it.

I’m not sure if people would rather have Rowett at the helm and chasing promotion or Holloway and his bat shit crazy four up front with a 17yr old captain tactics fighting relegation but I know what I prefer.
I don’t understand all this not having a plan b stuff. What does it even mean? It sounds like a meaningless generic criticism to me. If you’re talking tactics then of course Rowett has a plan B in every game, and a plan C, E, F and probably a G too.

He’s not running a Sunday morning team here, opposition teams and players are watched and studied for weeks before a match and the team including the substitutes are picked accordingly. It’s amazing that people constantly harp on about formations and tactics when most of them don’t have the first understanding of it.

I watched an interview with Rowett a couple of days after the Burnley game and he casually mentioned that he had to swap the formation three times in the second half alone to counter Burnley’s changes. Not one of the tactical geniuses on here had picked up on it.

I’m not sure if people would rather have Rowett at the helm and chasing promotion or Holloway and his bat shit crazy four up front with a 17yr old captain tactics fighting relegation but I know what I prefer.
We saw Holloweird's tactical plans of A to Z all thrown into one pot and saw it nearly destroy the club and the career of a 17yr old.GR maybe overly cautious/conservative in certain areas, but he ain't stupid and on the brink of the unthinkable (in my life time)..
I think we will miss out on the P/O, chances are we won't spend big in the summer, we will be Low/mid table come Oct/Nov and I feel GR will give us the "I've taken the club as far as I can" speech.
He has been with us longer than any of his other clubs, we were low/mid table when he joined and we will be the same when he leaves.
He is a brummie and money talks, it's quite possible that next year we could have WBA, Leicester, Forest and Wolves in our league!!!!
I don’t understand all this not having a plan b stuff. What does it even mean? It sounds like a meaningless generic criticism to me. If you’re talking tactics then of course Rowett has a plan B in every game, and a plan C, E, F and probably a G too.

He’s not running a Sunday morning team here, opposition teams and players are watched and studied for weeks before a match and the team including the substitutes are picked accordingly. It’s amazing that people constantly harp on about formations and tactics when most of them don’t have the first understanding of it.

I watched an interview with Rowett a couple of days after the Burnley game and he casually mentioned that he had to swap the formation three times in the second half alone to counter Burnley’s changes. Not one of the tactical geniuses on here had picked up on it.

I’m not sure if people would rather have Rowett at the helm and chasing promotion or Holloway and his bat shit crazy four up front with a 17yr old captain tactics fighting relegation but I know what I prefer.

I am not disagreeing with you, but that is one of the areas Rowett has to improve. Not to be so reactive and try be more proactive, risk losing a game in the second half by trying to win the game. Make attacking changes before we go a goal behind etc
I am not disagreeing with you, but that is one of the areas Rowett has to improve. Not to be so reactive and try be more proactive, risk losing a game in the second half by trying to win the game. Make attacking changes before we go a goal behind etc

He does make attacking changes before we concede a goal. He brought on Esse at Hull on Monday and five minutes later we were one nil down…
I think we will miss out on the P/O, chances are we won't spend big in the summer, we will be Low/mid table come Oct/Nov and I feel GR will give us the "I've taken the club as far as I can" speech.
He has been with us longer than any of his other clubs, we were low/mid table when he joined and we will be the same when he leaves.
He is a brummie and money talks, it's quite possible that next year we could have WBA, Leicester, Forest and Wolves in our league!!!!
Blimey, mate, let’s have a bit of cheer and optimism, eh? :grinning:

For one thing, we don’t know what league we’ll be in next season! If by some miracle we did go up this year, JB would have to put his hand in his pocket, because the team as it stands is light on players and Prem quality! I also don’t think that JB would be happy only having one season in the top flight, so he would have to back us financially in the hope we could survive and push on!

Getting to the Prem next season would, I think, quell any rumours that Rowett no longer wanted to be Millwall manager anymore! As it currently stands in the Prem, if the season ended now, both Forest and Leicester would be relegated! I doubt very much that Rowett would leave his newly promoted club in the Prem, to go down a division to manage those two clubs, or West Brom, just because he comes from the midlands, and he’s hacked off with all the travelling to and from his family home!

If we’re still in the Championship next season (either because we missed the play offs or were beaten in them), and Forest and Leicester were relegated, then either club could approach GR, enticing him to sign as their manager with promises of a better salary and more money to spend on new players! To prevent that from happening, JB would have to give GR sufficient funds to buy the players he wanted, to have another crack at the play offs!

At the end of the day, it all comes down to money, and whether JB is prepared to either stick or twist on the financial side of things! Back GR and I think he stays, tighten the purse strings and he could be off to another Championship club, swayed by the money they are prepared to give him, both personally and where it really matters: on the pitch!
Blimey, mate, let’s have a bit of cheer and optimism, eh? :grinning:

For one thing, we don’t know what league we’ll be in next season! If by some miracle we did go up this year, JB would have to put his hand in his pocket, because the team as it stands is light on players and Prem quality! I also don’t think that JB would be happy only having one season in the top flight, so he would have to back us financially in the hope we could survive and push on!

Getting to the Prem next season would, I think, quell any rumours that Rowett no longer wanted to be Millwall manager anymore! As it currently stands in the Prem, if the season ended now, both Forest and Leicester would be relegated! I doubt very much that Rowett would leave his newly promoted club in the Prem, to go down a division to manage those two clubs, or West Brom, just because he comes from the midlands, and he’s hacked off with all the travelling to and from his family home!

If we’re still in the Championship next season (either because we missed the play offs or were beaten in them), and Forest and Leicester were relegated, then either club could approach GR, enticing him to sign as their manager with promises of a better salary and more money to spend on new players! To prevent that from happening, JB would have to give GR sufficient funds to buy the players he wanted, to have another crack at the play offs!

At the end of the day, it all comes down to money, and whether JB is prepared to either stick or twist on the financial side of things! Back GR and I think he stays, tighten the purse strings and he could be off to another Championship club, swayed by the money they are prepared to give him, both personally and where it really matters: on the pitch!
It's all down to whether you have the players or not and as it stands i don't think we do regardless of who's managing us. You're saying there has to be a step up on how we play, that's all well and good but back to my point about the playing staff.
Listen, we ain't going to be In the top two any time soon. It ain't even so much the players but the resources, coaches and facilities that these teams have that give them a different technical ability and mindset that over the course of 46 games Is way beyond us. But that doesn't mean we can't Improve because we will have to If we don't want to regress. How that Improvement takes form is a different story and what with our new training facilities and scouting network the future looks half promising. But In the short term, and this Is what I was talking about, Is that we need to Improve on how we attack teams and break them down.

I know we ain't world beaters, but I've also seen enough at times this season that the players do have It In them to score more. I've also seen them play diabolically once or twice but we'll gloss over that. We are too negative at times, too being the operative word. I like the fact we are solid as It's what has got us to where we are but It's that over cautiousness that we need to shake off. The slow balls because of hesitation, the sideways passes when through balls are on, playing backwards Instead of driving the ball forward. Even the subs could, and I'm my opinion should, be more pro-active. Too often this season we do the above and take the sting out of our own game which I believe Is more of a mentality and game plan Installed by the manager than a lack of ability. When we've been at our best we start quickly, we've moved the ball forward quickly on the floor, players make runs, players over lap to, we press from the front and we get stuck In. This Is what there needs to be more off as both Sheffield United and Burnley couldn't handle It. I don't expect that every week of course but we've shown we can do It and to match this season's success next year we will need to harness more of that more consistently Instead of pumping the ball over the top, playing the odds game that sooner or later we will get a knock down or flick on that will create a chance.
I am aware of course that there are more things to It, but I am also aware that there seem to be ways round that also. It's a very tricky thing to cover like this as I have written a lot but not said a great deal, these are more conversation questions/answers than messaging ones.
It's also raising the bar and expectations, all which put added pressure on the players and manager which i don't think is productive nor reasonable. I was still chuffed a week ago cause we were mathematically safe from relegation whilst others were bemoaning that we might not make the play offs :grinning:
That's going to happen though the better the club perform especially If we keep bringing In decent foreign players that break our meagre records. Realism Is the key to any expectation but I suppose people go to football to escape realism.

As long as It's sensible I don't sympathise too much with the pressure on the players and management as that Is a product of their own success. If they want to be the best they can be then that Is what comes with Is what sets those apart from those down the bottom. Forget divs on Twater as I do belive had It been around in the 70's and 80's you'd have had loads of cunts chirping In then with their drivel then. But things are changing In football. It's ridiculous to be getting the hump and demanding Play Offs but you could argue It's also silly to be happy that we have avoided relegation at this late stage. There's some nice poeticism there Peckham, the old Wall fan vs the new modern football fan. Pride, passion and pain vs glory, glory, glory. I know you were jesting but the reality Is we should now be settlling down Into the middle of the two. Not demanding we steam roll teams and win every week. But also not being thankful that we ain't In League 2 because we beat some team In a final over a decade ago.
Good to see you posting mate, hope all is well with you and yours!
All good ta, same to you. (y)
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It's a very tricky thing to cover like this as I have written a lot but not said a great deal, these are more conversation questions/answers than messaging ones.
Don’t put your efforts down, mate!

Have to say that is one of the most fantastic posts I’ve ever read on this forum! You have said a great deal and have hit the nail totally on the head with your take on what’s gone right and what’s gone wrong for us this season!

I hope that there are more conversation questions on this thread from your post, but that the responses are done in a civil way without cunting anyone off! We’re all Wall supporters and we all want what‘s best for the club!
Has he improved us in terms of position and standing? A resounding yes.

He has also defended the club and fans more than once when the media were all over us and out for our blood.

The last, and I think only hammering we've had against anyone under him was Coventry away on the last day of the season a few years back. And we have played against teams bigger and a lot better than us in terms of players and financial clout under his tenure. Remember losing 5-1 v Derby at home under Lomas or by the same score at home against Boro under that idiot Holloway? That has not and will not happen under Rowett.

I don't really know what more people want.
Listen, we ain't going to be In the top two any time soon. It ain't even so much the players but the resources, coaches and facilities that these teams have that give them a different technical ability and mindset that over the course of 46 games Is way beyond us. But that doesn't mean we can't Improve because we will have to If we don't want to regress. How that Improvement takes form is a different story and what with our new training facilities and scouting network the future looks half promising. But In the short term, and this Is what I was talking about, Is that we need to Improve on how we attack teams and break them down.
We have one striker mate. I believe that's difference betwwen the wins and ultimately the draws that we've had. Small margins! We never replaced Afobe, a striker that gets double figures wherever he plays. Had we done so i don't think we'd be having these conversations, simple as that. It wasn't for the want of trying but we are where we are, a healthy position and looking to extend our season which is not to be sniffed at.

We've been unlucky, with injuries and in the transfer market. I know for a fact that we've been in for two stikers but were fuck about at the crucial and final moments. Had either of those come off, again, we'd be having a different to and fro about our team.

I think what Rowett has done with this squad is quite remarkable and yes i do believe that he plays to our strengths had we had one or two more in we'd be flying.It's no frills at times but the alternative is risk taking and gambling and we all know where that can leave you. It ain't in the top six! People nedd to be careful what they wish for.

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