The definitive new manager speculation thread

Great and informative post mate. You are spot on. Through my addictions battle, recovery and then counsellor training i did a lot of studying around human behaviour, Psychology, the reward system that we all have in our brains. The effects and means of creating dopamine. So in our time a cream cake, treat down the cafe or even praise from another human was a source of dopamine. A natural high if you like.

Now fast forward to today and dopamine hits. They are now sought and provided by the likes button that you will find on most social media. Not from praise and recognitionfrom a human. People are addicted to seeking out likes because they are a means of delivering dopamine to the brain. But but but but there's a catch-------- like with all nice things- cakes- cocaine- sex- sunshine we want more all the time. You will go to lengths to get them because you crave them just like you crave that bar of chocolate that also acts to deliver dopamine.

The advent of the smartphone that delivers likes, validation, instant gratification- Dopamine- fucking loads of it has created millions of unwitting addicts. But with every high there's a low which can be detrimental Well there is if you can put the fucking down out of your hand. The phone is the modern day equivalent of the syringe that junkies used to use to deliver the hit, the high.

There's allsorts of mental health problems effecting young people that we never even heard of. Unprecedented cases of mental health issues with teenagers. Depression, anxiety, loneliness, suicidal thoughts. body dysphoria, and on it goes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.
yep, and the fact that the kind of reward system is monitised - that it has a vested interest to keep you on the hook. turning the fucking thing off a revolutionary act.
Rampant Capitalism doesnt care about the health of the people,
Why should it? People have a duty of care for themselves. Unless we want to live in a nanny state and just ban everything cause we can't control, manage and decide for ourselves. I'd also question big business/ capitalists not caring for our health entirely. If we're all fucked, ill and useless who's gonna do the labour that capitalism requires for both producing and consuming? If we're all skint capitalism fails.
National identity doesnt matter, family doesnt matter, community doesnt matter.
It fucking does to me all of that. Again these are all personal choices. I get where you're coming from but i bet you a pound to a piece of shit that your family matters to you and is probably the most sacred, valuable and important thing in your life. See- choices. If some fucking dink wants to hide behind his curtains scrolling and wanking whilst the world outside passes him by that's his choice, his decision.

I live on a decent road, nearly every household talks to each other, keep the street clean etc. I have a pair of Doris that life next door to me. Just retired so they go away a lot. I;ll put there wheelie bins back after the dustmans been. I don't haveto but i do.I borrow his lawn mower when i need it. Every christmas one of them knocks the door and gives us cranberry sauce he's just made, pickles etc. Always offers me home made wine and beer which they offer every year and i refuse cause i'm tee total so other neighbours will get it instead. There's community right there,again because we choose to be like that and aren;t being banned or fined for it.
There is no such thing as society anymore, i wonder who said that?
We know who said that and a long tome ago it was. It wasn't factual at the time. It wasn't an instruction or law being passed it was the view of a free marketeer. Again it's up to us whether we want communities/ society. Just the same as it's down to us if we don't. No member of the establishment, Sony, McDonalds, the OB or anyone else is making us greedy, selfish, unsocialable. No one is making us hide away with a phone gripped in our hand,nor making us value material things over family, friends or community. We have the choice to reject what the capitalists have to offer. We have as much power and means to influence as they do. It's all about making the right choices.
Great and informative post mate. You are spot on. Through my addictions battle, recovery and then counsellor training i did a lot of studying around human behaviour, Psychology, the reward system that we all have in our brains. The effects and means of creating dopamine. So in our time a cream cake, treat down the cafe or even praise from another human was a source of dopamine. A natural high if you like.

Now fast forward to today and dopamine hits. They are now sought and provided by the likes button that you will find on most social media. Not from praise and recognitionfrom a human. People are addicted to seeking out likes because they are a means of delivering dopamine to the brain. But but but but there's a catch-------- like with all nice things- cakes- cocaine- sex- sunshine we want more all the time. You will go to lengths to get them because you crave them just like you crave that bar of chocolate that also acts to deliver dopamine.

The advent of the smartphone that delivers likes, validation, instant gratification- Dopamine- fucking loads of it has created millions of unwitting addicts. But with every high there's a low which can be detrimental Well there is if you can put the fucking down out of your hand. The phone is the modern day equivalent of the syringe that junkies used to use to deliver the hit, the high.

There's allsorts of mental health problems effecting young people that we never even heard of. Unprecedented cases of mental health issues with teenagers. Depression, anxiety, loneliness, suicidal thoughts. body dysphoria, and on it goes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.
Great observation Peckham! 👍 I never thought of it like and as Mark says "spot on"! :clap:
Cheers mate.
The phone is the modern day equivalent of the syringe that junkies used to use to deliver the hit, the high.
The trick with all these things is to make sure that you are the master of the technology and not the other way round.
I love my iPhone, but I love it for the things it can do for me, not the other way round.
I love it for music and radio and plays while I'm in the car. It's my in car computer, if you like. I love it for being able to message my kids and girlfriend.
All that, plus navigation in the car.
Apart from that, it stays in my pocket and always gets switched off in the evenings.
The trick with all these things is to make sure that you are the master of the technology and not the other way round.
I love my iPhone, but I love it for the things it can do for me, not the other way round.
Absolutely. I have a smartphone because my 10 year old nokia stop getting a signal. Something about 3G 5G ? anyway i don't use any of the apps and the 100 other things it can do. Call, text and the occasional picture that's it.

i have state of the art CDJ's- CD players for my studio. Four grands worth. I use around 10% of the fuctions available. There's buttons on them that i've never even pressed because i don';t need to as long as they are playing the music. I rarely take my mobile out of the house. I can return a call when i return if i've got a missed call. When my boy comes around the phones go in a draw. If we go out for a meal the phones stay at home. I now fell like the oddball in cafes and restaurants because i'm the only one not taking photos when the meal arrive. Couples literally ignore each other across a table cause they're both fucking swiping away at the screen or have spotted a spec of dust that has to be snapped and put on facebook.

Thing is there's no point of putting it on facebook because no one is interested because they're taking pictures of a ham fucking sandwich that's just about to be broadcast of snap chap and for no fucking reason because the people you are broadcasting it to are taking pictures of the washing up to broadcast to no cunt cause they're ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr fucking lunacy.

Before all this social media voyerism shit i used to think i was mad and a bit unhinged. I can live with that. Since the snapchat, facebook film your fart crew have emerged i have realised that i'm quite sane and the film your own fart crew are fucking mental. That dissapoints me. Cunts, Rant ends. Carry on.
Absolutely. I have a smartphone because my 10 year old nokia stop getting a signal. Something about 3G 5G ? anyway i don't use any of the apps and the 100 other things it can do. Call, text and the occasional picture that's it.

i have state of the art CDJ's- CD players for my studio. Four grands worth. I use around 10% of the fuctions available. There's buttons on them that i've never even pressed because i don';t need to as long as they are playing the music. I rarely take my mobile out of the house. I can return a call when i return if i've got a missed call. When my boy comes around the phones go in a draw. If we go out for a meal the phones stay at home. I now fell like the oddball in cafes and restaurants because i'm the only one not taking photos when the meal arrive. Couples literally ignore each other across a table cause they're both fucking swiping away at the screen or have spotted a spec of dust that has to be snapped and put on facebook.

Thing is there's no point of putting it on facebook because no one is interested because they're taking pictures of a ham fucking sandwich that's just about to be broadcast of snap chap and for no fucking reason because the people you are broadcasting it to are taking pictures of the washing up to broadcast to no cunt cause they're ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr fucking lunacy.

Before all this social media voyerism shit i used to think i was mad and a bit unhinged. I can live with that. Since the snapchat, facebook film your fart crew have emerged i have realised that i'm quite sane and the film your own fart crew are fucking mental. That dissapoints me. Cunts, Rant ends. Carry on.
Peck you just gave me my laugh/smile a day. Brilliant post, great observations. I thank you.
Absolutely. I have a smartphone because my 10 year old nokia stop getting a signal. Something about 3G 5G ? anyway i don't use any of the apps and the 100 other things it can do. Call, text and the occasional picture that's it.

i have state of the art CDJ's- CD players for my studio. Four grands worth. I use around 10% of the fuctions available. There's buttons on them that i've never even pressed because i don';t need to as long as they are playing the music. I rarely take my mobile out of the house. I can return a call when i return if i've got a missed call. When my boy comes around the phones go in a draw. If we go out for a meal the phones stay at home. I now fell like the oddball in cafes and restaurants because i'm the only one not taking photos when the meal arrive. Couples literally ignore each other across a table cause they're both fucking swiping away at the screen or have spotted a spec of dust that has to be snapped and put on facebook.

Thing is there's no point of putting it on facebook because no one is interested because they're taking pictures of a ham fucking sandwich that's just about to be broadcast of snap chap and for no fucking reason because the people you are broadcasting it to are taking pictures of the washing up to broadcast to no cunt cause they're ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr fucking lunacy.

Before all this social media voyerism shit i used to think i was mad and a bit unhinged. I can live with that. Since the snapchat, facebook film your fart crew have emerged i have realised that i'm quite sane and the film your own fart crew are fucking mental. That dissapoints me. Cunts, Rant ends. Carry on.
And breathe 😂😂

would agree with all of that, but always been an unwritten rule that you take a picture of your pie mash and send out a circular!
The trick with all these things is to make sure that you are the master of the technology and not the other way round.
I love my iPhone, but I love it for the things it can do for me, not the other way round.
I love it for music and radio and plays while I'm in the car. It's my in car computer, if you like. I love it for being able to message my kids and girlfriend.
All that, plus navigation in the car.
Apart from that, it stays in my pocket and always gets switched off in the evenings.
Thanks for that BP and I'll remember not to call you after 6pm. 😉
Apparently Beale doesn’t want it. Doesn’t pay enough and has just had his pay out from rangers so in no rush to get back to it. Having sometime out.

If it’s Muscat, then we’d have to wait until Christmas, as that’s when the season ends in Japan and he wants to see it out there as they’re 4 points clear at the top of the league.

But apparently we’ve put a lot of feelers out. Keeping our options open by the sounds of it.

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