England and the anthem n/w

"I have no idea why people would choose to boo the gesture," England manager Gareth Southgate told Channel 4.

Southgate added: "The first thing, that [taking the knee] is why we do it, to try to educate people around the world. The young people can't know why they are doing it, so they are being influenced by older adults.

Either Ignorant or Arrogant, either way I can't see how he can be respected.
The people of Saint Denis must’ve missed the message as well
Are we really still taking a knee ?

Clowbgate and his misfits and the F.A. really love the knee and clowngate says it will continue regardless.
They are HYPOCRITES, they are preparing for a world cup in a Country that employed slave labour,paid low wages to build football stadiums for the filthy rich and in the bargain cost many lives due to shit work consitions in extreme hot conditions.

total c...ts all of them
They'll keep taking it to "encourage debate", a debate they won't engage in! Fuck 'em. Virtue signalling wankers
Totally agree. Pointless, pointless gesture.....much better ways to make a point.....walk out behind a banner....the knee to.a lot of people still represents the totally bias & flawed blm movement and when black players in team prefer to stand then kneel it's got to be telling people something., It's just the FA sky ,BBC who encourage the idiots to carry on....what to make a statement don t to go the world cup end off
Does anyone honestly give a monkeys anymore about the England side? I stopped watching them a few years ago and although I would still always look forward to the big tournaments these days I really don’t care. Endless pointless friendlies and caps given out like confetti to overhyped youngsters who have hardly played a handful of first team games, it’s ridiculous. I had a look at the squad last night and honestly there are players in there I have genuinely never heard of.

Then there is the continuous and condescending lectures from the FA and Southgate on all the latest things that are in vogue with hypocrite liberal corporations like BLM, gay rights, climate change, Ukraine, womens football etc. Just fuck off, please just fuck off. We want to watch football to get away from shit like that for a couple of hours, we don’t want some corporate FA puppet lecturing us about it.

Add in the type of absolute drips that make up an England crowd nowadays and the fucking awful experience that is Wembley then it’s a total and utter 100% No from me.
Post of the year!
Every player except Alexander Arnold singing the anthem...
You have to ask why any of them that take the knee /perform a black power salute are mumbling it. They support a marxist ideology that i presume wouldn't be too keen on a monarchy. Arnold is a misguided cunt but at least on this he's not joining his team mates and the big nosed spokesman in a show of rank hypocrisy.

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