England and the anthem n/w

See Kane got his rainbow armband on....what a hypocrite ..only this week the quater government openly told the USA to take down their rainbow flag cause it went against their views so much for fighting discrimation on all fronts as Nosegate said this week....money talk louder then discrimination to the FA
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I suppose Nosegate will have his FA prepared statement pity they don't think that the terrible human rights or lack of them in the world cup holding countries is just as important in their view as all forms of discrimination should not be tolarated unless they are getting mega bucks to play & ignore everything else
Yes, and it will carry on, apparently.
The Gonk has just said during a Channel 4 interview... "we will continue to try and educate people around the World".

What a condescending cunt the bloke is.
There in lies the problem.
Ain't his or the players fucking job to educate the world, their job is to play football. If they are not to tired that is.

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