The Nigels thread - the pride of south London* N/W

The spotty spunk trumpets are getting proper nasty. Withdrawing banners and flags :rotfl::rotfl:

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First they come for the balloons, then they come for the banners. It's hard being a Palace fan. What next? Banning full kit fans?

First they come for the balloons, then they come for the banners. It's hard being a Palace fan. What next? Banning full kit fans?
I give you Mr full kit wankerchops,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Nonce Alert :eek!:Nonce Alert :eek!:Nonce Alert-:eek!:Nonce Alert:eek!:

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The lack of self awarness is truly astounding...Tacky you say!.
Yeah, they’ve had ra ra girls there before every game for decades but they’re worried about tacky light shows. 😆
Also, are they aware of how tacky a load of middle class spotty Nigel’s from the suburbs look trying to replicate partizan Belgrade ultras??? 🤣 as you say, total lack of self awareness