Oh dear as Roman assets all frozen

The powers that be were pretty fucking comfortable with him and fuck knows how many other Oligarchs laundering their loot here. The heat is on so they've washing there hands of them, they're as bent and corrupt as the ruskies money. How long before Bozo and Co decide it's time to pull the rug on Newcastle and Man city? they're indirectly funding Jihadi's whilst we sell them arms but that's okay until the public start shouting. Nothing to see here move,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

We like the Saudis now, apparently. Oh, and the Iranians too. Seriously, we've had unpleasant connections with the House of Saud for decades under both Labour and Tories. Unfortunately, Putin's actions will mean that we have to cuddle up to some pretty unpleasant regimes, but ones that aren't on the verge of a war with us.
The powers that be were pretty fucking comfortable with him and fuck knows how many other Oligarchs laundering their loot here. The heat is on so they've washing there hands of them, they're as bent and corrupt as the ruskies money. How long before Bozo and Co decide it's time to pull the rug on Newcastle and Man city? they're indirectly funding Jihadi's whilst we sell them arms but that's okay until the public start shouting. Nothing to see here move,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Exactly mate, I hate FIFA and UEFA even more than Roman as they are up to their greedy necks in it and still play the moral high ground. I truly thought that Blatter could not be surpassed but Infantino is exactly the same. How the fuck do these people get to control such an entity is beyond belief
Cant see Chelsea suffering that much I desperately hope I'm wrong but before he was sanctioned he "gave the club to Chelsea charity" and said he would not call in his billions in loans,surely all what will happen is a agreement that who ever buys the club would give the money to charity's rather than the Ruskies pocket? And they will still be owned by some corrupt billionaires
If they want to seize his (or any other) Yachts, they need to get a move on...
Some are on their way.

We need a new royal yacht. Take it and repaint it. Job done. Free
Barclays have suspended Chelsea's bank account. Wonder what issues that will now cause them with paying players and staff.