Geordie lady supporter banned

Complete disgrace , and backed by the Premier League. Did not even " commit any offence " in the ground . Checking into her tweets and posts is a fucking joke delving into her private life , who fucking knows where this sort of stuff could end and anyone could fall foul of this. Hope she is successful in her pursuit of justice , sue the cunts.
A dick is for life ,not just Christmas.
You are right to fear where this may end.
Newcastle FC is a business. She is a customer of that business.
Suppose another business she uses doesn't like her?
Her bank, for example, or her insurance company. Are they going to refuse her custom too?
This is insidious and she must fight this on the principle that they have no right to ban her for this, because who knows where it will end?
You are right to fear where this may end.
Newcastle FC is a business. She is a customer of that business.
Suppose another business she uses doesn't like her?
Her bank, for example, or her insurance company. Are they going to refuse her custom too?
This is insidious and she must fight this on the principle that they have no right to ban her for this, because who knows where it will end?
Already happened to people and their bank accounts.
How did the prem know to look into this persons account in the first place?
Grassed up to Newcastle by a fellow supporter for making some sort of comment, who then passed it on to the Premier League to " conduct an investigation ". Fucking disgraceful ,could happen to any of us. Poor mare got a 3 season ban , if it were me that would be the last time I had anything to do with the club .
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Banned from a football match because you make a comment that the at least a large percentage of people would probably agree with today and would not have been remotely controversial 20 or even 10 years ago. Where does this end? And, as Kinelloz rightly points out, it's totally absurd when the club is owned by the Saudis.

The not so funny joke is that most of the posters on this thread could probably be banned for what we've said at this rate.
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Banned from a football match because you make a comment that the at least a large percentage of people would probably agree with today and would not have been remotely controversial 20 or even 10 years ago. Where does this end? And, as Kinelloz rightly points out, it's totally absurd when the club is owned by the Saudis.

The not so funny joke is that most of the posters on this thread could probably be banned for what we've said at this rate.
Didn't think the Woke Agenda or Irony had penetrated as far as Newcastle!
Grassed up to Newcastle by a fellow supporter for making some sort of comment, who then passed it on to the Premier League to " conduct an investigation ". Fucking disgraceful ,could happen to any of us. Poor mare got a 3 season ban , if it were me that would be the last time I had anything to do with the club .
The fellow supporter must have a sad boring life and got fuck all better to do.
Maybe they had a personal agenda against the person, fuck knows🤷‍♂️ sad state of affairs.
Unless what she said breaks discriminatory laws or is classed as hate speech she should be free to voice her own opinion on any matter as should we all.
If anyone doesn't agree with her then they should try to convince her as to how she is wrong and what is right.
It seems the public are being preconditioned to believe and behave to a narrative the powers that be want to enforce, those that don't tow the line will be excluded.
All very democratic:rolleyes:
I don't understand how any of this Is lawful or legal. Surely she should be able to take this to court and piss the case and take Newcastle and the Premier League to the cleaners?
What am I missing, why Is this being treated like she and others might not be able to do anything about It and that the action's were just?
I don't understand how any of this Is lawful or legal. Surely she should be able to take this to court and piss the case and take Newcastle and the Premier League to the cleaners?
What am I missing, why Is this being treated like she and others might not be able to do anything about It and that the action's were just?
I watched a police programme the other night where they caught a drugs gang in Norwich. They had for months been terrorizing the good citizens of Norwich with their turf wars, usually going out armed with machetes, kitchen knives and lock knives.
They caught all 5 members of the gang and they were all convicted.
Sentences ranged from 2 years and some months to 5 years 7 months for the gang leader.
This is the same country where Alex Bellfield was sentenced to 5 years 6 months for causing hurty feelings by email. It was his first offence and these scumbags from Norwich all had previous convictions.

So, if sending a few emails can get you the same sentence as conspiring to sell class A drugs, and causing fear amongst the local community, this woman might consider herself lucky not to have been banged up.

The country's fucked.

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