How does ffp work if huskie dont pay? Could be a loop hole here clubs could say they have a 20m sponsorship so can spend in transfer market say the sponsors go bust or wont pay up so on paper the clubs havent done anything wrong but get around the ffp
I believe it is what goes through your clubs accounts that matters so accountants can do all they can to show what the club wants it to show but if no money comes in from sponsorship then it isn't in the accounts.
If we failed FFP by a million and the Huski lack of payment was 2m then you would like to think that the punishment would take that into account but as we are Millwall we will probably be closed down.
The shoulder thing is all a distraction with Longman. He can’t play at Hull anyway as they are his parent club. Whether he can be sent back depends on the terms of the loan contract. Knowing our luck there is a clause that says he stays with us until the end of the season no matter what.
If the shoulder dislocation is anything like Emakhu’s and he doesn’t need surgery then he is out for three weeks. If surgery is required then maybe we have a case for sending him back as he could be out for a couple of months or more. Who knows?
I believe it is what goes through your clubs accounts that matters so accountants can do all they can to show what the club wants it to show but if no money comes in from sponsorship then it isn't in the accounts.
If we failed FFP by a million and the Huski lack of payment was 2m then you would like to think that the punishment would take that into account but as we are Millwall we will probably be closed down.
Seems harsh if you get punishment for your sponsors failing, all these businesses and clubs operate on what future investment comes in or is expected to come in like sky money ect, mind younfootbakk is a very merky financial business most of it is money laundering by the big clubs

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