Six months on just wanted to say thankyou

So true, i lost my old man there were hundreads at the service, gonna do this for me mum, gonna do that for me mum, pop down, take you out, do lunch. I heard it all. When the dust settles you find out what true family and friends are,

Some of the bods on here you build a bond with over time a long time that is stronger than blood, because there is no obligation.

Stay strong fella
So true, i lost my old man there were hundreads at the service, gonna do this for me mum, gonna do that for me mum, pop down, take you out, do lunch. I heard it all. When the dust settles you find out what true family and friends are,

Some of the bods on here you build a bond with over time a long time that is stronger than blood, because there is no obligation.

Stay strong fella
So true mate. Interesting to hear your story and sorry also. My wall lot are staunch. We fight each others' corners.
Marj my partner died 6 months ago to this day. Times like this you see who your people are. Bar her kids, all her friends and family have done a runner. Clumping hoorays at hunt balls probably didn't help😂 But the kindness and support from my wall lot in 'real life' and on here has been fantastic. I can't say unbelievable because I know what wall people are. Anyway. Thank you. All the way through you've made things easier. I won't ever forget it. Here's to West Ham away next season😁
Bereavement is mostly a lonely path, mate. Even the closest of family members have their own grief to deal with. Sometimes strangers can offer the best consolation. Better still, people from families from the catchment area generally have big hearts.
Bereavement is mostly a lonely path, mate. Even the closest of family members have their own grief to deal with. Sometimes strangers can offer the best consolation. Better still, people from families from the catchment area generally have big hearts.
That's a very good point that shouldn't be forgotten mate. You can lose track of the fact that other people are suffering too when you become wrapped up in all your own stuff.
Time will heal the pain, but she will forever be in your heart.
Hope you can get to a better place and lie the life yoiur wife would no doubt wish for you.
So true, i lost my old man there were hundreads at the service, gonna do this for me mum, gonna do that for me mum, pop down, take you out, do lunch. I heard it all. When the dust settles you find out what true family and friends are,

Some of the bods on here you build a bond with over time a long time that is stronger than blood, because there is no obligation.

Stay strong fella
“Some of the bods on here you build a bond with over time a long time that is stronger than blood, because there is no obligation” 👍
6 months already? Time flies and clichéd as it sounds, is a great healer mate.
Hope you're doing well M and spending time with your great and fond memories of your lovely lady 🙏
The memories will never fade 70sCR and every day without fail I think of my dear mum who is no longer here in body but her spirit lives on.
RIP Marj and my best wishes and thoughts to you all.
That's a very good point that shouldn't be forgotten mate. You can lose track of the fact that other people are suffering too when you become wrapped up in all your own stuff.
Exactly. You do become wrapped up in your own grief and equally there is nothing wrong with that. It takes a few years before you don’t wake up to the punch in the gut of reality. That hole in your heart will always remain but your life starts to grow around it. That was the best advice I heard about thinking about it.
70s, you'll always have us Mob just behind you and my next plate of Eels and mash will serve as a "tip of the hat" to your Marj! You may remember me saying my better half is in the throws of stage 4 cancer so ive learnt what real love really is so i get you bruv.
So sorry mate. I truly am. Drop me a PM and let's meet up. God bless you.

70s, you'll always have us Mob just behind you and my next plate of Eels and mash will serve as a "tip of the hat" to your Marj! You may remember me saying my better half is in the throws of stage 4 cancer so ive learnt what real love really is so i get you bruv.
So sorry mate. I truly am. Drop me a PM and let's meet up. God bless you.

70s, you'll always have us Mob just behind you and my next plate of Eels and mash will serve as a "tip of the hat" to your Marj! You may remember me saying my better half is in the throws of stage 4 cancer so ive learnt what real love really is so i get you bruv.
Living back in Scotland for the foreseeable mate. Shes from Govan. Getting treatment at the Beatson clinic in Glasgow. When im down next ill give you a nudge.
Living back in Scotland for the foreseeable mate. Shes from Govan. Getting treatment at the Beatson clinic in Glasgow. When im down next ill give you a nudge.
Ah ok mate. Well I wish you both everything good. You're very much in my thoughts. And defo get in touch when you're about. You are wall. There for you.