
As soon as he continued to raise his fist in a political gesture his time at millwall was over , didn't progress football wise in 2 years , still could not cross a ball or make a positive pass in the final third , got into great areas but the end product was crap most of the time.Always had the backing of the fans until his head got turned and he let the team,fans down.....not setting the world on fire at a lower division and we really don't miss him.
It didn't quite go to script for him, did it?....ending up as fourth choice at 'Wall.
£1 million plus (or whatever) for a fourth choice defender is good business.

He said (Rowett): “Mahlon went out to play regular football. We’ve got Danny [McNamara] in that position and Lenny [Ryan Leonard] and Billy [Mitchell] can play there as well.
According to this link below, his Pompey loan deal runs out next year but, his Millwall contract runs until 2024....(date down on the bottom of the page).

He did sign a *long* time deal last season...

According to this link below, his Pompey loan deal runs out next year but, his Millwall contract runs until 2024....(date down on the bottom of the page).

He did sign a *long* time deal last season...

Good. If Pompey want to be mug enough to pay us £1M - £1.5M for the tosser, then I say, take the money and run!
As soon as he continued to raise his fist in a political gesture his time at millwall was over , didn't progress football wise in 2 years , still could not cross a ball or make a positive pass in the final third , got into great areas but the end product was crap most of the time.Always had the backing of the fans until his head got turned and he let the team,fans down.....not setting the world on fire at a lower division and we really don't miss him.
Last month, Romeo, 26, said: “I loved my time at Millwall but football is football. All good things come to an end so it was time for me to move on.”

BYEEEEEEEEEEE . As you said done well for us but went backwards long before the "fist" shit ,let's hope he has grown up and the above statment is the last we hear from him ,it's done move on
Last month, Romeo, 26, said: “I loved my time at Millwall but football is football. All good things come to an end so it was time for me to move on.”

BYEEEEEEEEEEE . As you said done well for us but went backwards long before the "fist" shit ,let's hope he has grown up and the above statment is the last we hear from him ,it's done move on
I think he plateaued at first rather than immediately going backwards. His initial rate of climb from joining us was very steep and had it been maintained, then he would have been Premier-bound for certain.

However, his levelling out came as a surprise. I had the feeling that some of his coaching was poor: he simply wasn't developing in areas you'd expect him to kick on in. But from the Kneeling moment onwards his game unravelled alarmingly.

Shews how what goes on in the head can so badly affect a professional footballer. Half of players fail to realise their potential through mental weaknesses rather than lack of ability. Here's a case in point: he allowed his game to be side-tracked by something not related to football.

A great shame for both club and player.
I think he plateaued at first rather than immediately going backwards. His initial rate of climb from joining us was very steep and had it been maintained, then he would have been Premier-bound for certain.

However, his levelling out came as a surprise. I had the feeling that some of his coaching was poor: he simply wasn't developing in areas you'd expect him to kick on in. But from the Kneeling moment onwards his game unravelled alarmingly.

Shews how what goes on in the head can so badly affect a professional footballer. Half of players fail to realise their potential through mental weaknesses rather than lack of ability. Here's a case in point: he allowed his game to be side-tracked by something not related to football.

A great shame for both club and player.
I don’t think it was just Romeo who was given poor coaching, Whisky: I think it’s still happening, to many (if not all), of our current squad!

The number of times poor free kicks from outside the box, and poor corner kicks don’t go beyond the opposition’s first man, is truly shocking! That, along with how our players can’t seem to do the basics, like tracking back properly, defending properly (there’s a whole list on that alone!), an inability to make simple, short passes to fellow players, etc. has to be down to Drawett’s No. 2, Adam Barrett!

Replace Barrett with someone more competent, and hopefully the coaching will improve enough so that many (if not all) of these player faults, can be eradicated!
I don’t think it was just Romeo who was given poor coaching, Whisky: I think it’s still happening, to many (if not all), of our current squad!

The number of times poor free kicks from outside the box, and poor corner kicks don’t go beyond the opposition’s first man, is truly shocking! That, along with how our players can’t seem to do the basics, like tracking back properly, defending properly (there’s a whole list on that alone!), an inability to make simple, short passes to fellow players, etc. has to be down to Drawett’s No. 2, Adam Barrett!

Replace Barrett with someone more competent, and hopefully the coaching will improve enough so that many (if not all) of these player faults, can be eradicated!
I thought it was much worse under the Harris regime, to be honest.

Under this manager we have seen some players flourish: Murray Wallace and Bennett in particular.

The trouble is, with both managers being negative - Harris sending fear through the team, the present manager putting safety above all, not by fear but natural caution - it must be a hard place to really develop skills above the defensive....
As the old saying goes “You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink” and I suspect that also applies to coaching footballers. If players don’t have the intelligence to take in what they’re being told and apply it in match conditions then it probably doesn’t matter how good the coaching is.

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