Match Thread Sheffield United v Millwall KO 7-45

Saturday was terrible so am expecting a much better effort tonight. The enigma that is Millwall never fails to surprise, the norvenors are on a good run but we're capable of going there and nicking a win, head says draw, heart says a 1-0 win for us.


Would love to see us get a result tonight after Saturdays performance, heart says all 3 points, head/reality says another loss..
Saturday was terrible so am expecting a much better effort tonight. The enigma that is Millwall never fails to surprise, the norvenors are on a good run but we're capable of going there and nicking a win, head says draw, heart says a 1-0 win for us.


Might need that tank.
I’m expecting a United win, which will happen if the players don’t give 110% tonight!

All we can hope is that the manager and the players have taken a good, long, hard look at themselves in the mirror, and have realised that Saturday’s performance was not the standard of play our supporters expect from a Millwall team, and one that we never, ever, want to see again!

If we go into tonight’s game acknowledging that, and give the best account of ourselves that we can, I believe we may come away with a well deserved draw!

An away win would be fantastic, but I think a draw against an aggressive Sheffield side, would be seen as a massive improvement after Saturday’s woeful performance!
Cooper, a walking mistake, plays.

Evans and Saville were awful on Saturday, both play. Mitchell and Dutch are far better options. Both total team players and work their bollocks off, love a tackle and never give up.

Afobe, who has been surviving on scraps, is dropped for Bradshaw.

A bad line-up.

Can't see us getting anything. In fact, we could get battered.
Bradshaw’s going to have his work cut out as a alone striker feeding out scraps and punted balls forward 🤦‍♂️

One of these days he’ll play in a team and formation that’ll give him the chance to get into the box and attack threatening balls 🙏

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