James Interview


Well-known member
First time i have listened to a interview with our chairman, we are incredibly lucky with the family, talks so well deffo has Johns passion, and to hear he is in it for the long term and in his words im all in and so is the family can only be a great building block for the club. Stability is key not many have that. well done fella.

Two interesting points from all he had to say.
His Dad originally bought it as an investment possibility but it grew into much more than that.
He was absolutely besotted with the club.
I had spoken to John several times at Millwall Club dinners. I lived in the US for a year in Colorado and he told me that his Dad lived in Denver so we had much to talk about. It always struck me that he was as big a fan as you could ever wish to meet. As a former US marine he revelled in our underdog status. It was clear that Jimmy has just picked up the baton from his Dad and will do all he can to support the club and push us onto greater things. It was heartwarming to have that confirmed in the interview.