They're Delusional But nw

Thereā€™s a certain amount of irony here because It wasnā€™t that long ago that palarse had their tongues stuck up the Chinese arses and the their human rights record isnā€™t up to much either.

Exactly. If you follow the money ( blitzer at palace and pfi) then it becomes clear that the Nigels shit stinks as well which is what i was trying to point out until you know who came steaming in screaming bully.
Re Abramovitch & chelski:
Heā€™s a politician (because Putin ā€œaskedā€ him to be) and a former governor in one of the Russian regions (Chutoka) heā€™s as thick as thieves with Putin and Putin has probably bumped off more people than the Saudiā€™s (including journalists)
The only thing Iā€™ve ever agreed with Simon Jordan on was when he said that Abramovitch spending a billion quid on Chelsea was worth it to save his life (because if he hadnā€™t & if he hadnā€™t played along with Putin he would be dead by now)
Re Abramovitch & chelski:
Heā€™s a politician (because Putin ā€œaskedā€ him to be) and a former governor in one of the Russian regions (Chutoka) heā€™s as thick as thieves with Putin and Putin has probably bumped off more people than the Saudiā€™s (including journalists)
The only thing Iā€™ve ever agreed with Simon Jordan on was when he said that Abramovitch spending a billion quid on Chelsea was worth it to save his life (because if he hadnā€™t & if he hadnā€™t played along with Putin he would be dead by now)

You do realise we are fcked, I couldn't give a fck about russia. Can you list me all the english owners in the premiership and championship not to mention players. Just keep brexit out of football, wankers it's embarrassing.
You do realise we are fcked, I couldn't give a fck about russia. Can you list me all the english owners in the premiership and championship not to mention players. Just keep brexit out of football, wankers it's embarrassing.
I donā€™t follow, who mentioned brexit?
Talking about this with my best mate over here in Cadiz this evening. He was one of the palace ā€œdirty thirtyā€ years ago. No action is being taken now over this banner. Itā€™s difficult to legitimately sensor something like that which is all based on known facts and in any event is actually having a go at the EPL who think they are the last word on fit and proper & rule abiding when they are anything but, for giving this ridiculously wrong thumbs up (or thumbs off) with their nelson-esque blind eye, - rather than having a go at the Saudis which they might not like it but they know what they are, Newcastle fans know what they are, the whole fuckin world knows what they are and have always been and you expect nothing else. What you donā€™t accept and whatā€™s unacceptable is the EPL their effective takeover of and ownership of a traditional top flight English Premier League Football Club which serves as condoning this evil regime
You do realise we are fcked, I couldn't give a fck about russia. Can you list me all the english owners in the premiership and championship not to mention players. Just keep brexit out of football, wankers it's embarrassing.

OAG didn't mention Brexit. I also suspect he might be a 'Remainer'. What he said about Putin et al. was absolutely correct. I didn't notice Palace fans complaining about human rights abuses in Chechnya for example - or the considerable number of journalists murdered after criticising the regime. More importantly for us, Russia has committed acts of terrorism on UK soil killing two UK residents and putting several others in hospital.
OAG didn't mention Brexit. I also suspect he might be a 'Remainer'. What he said about Putin et al. was absolutely correct. I didn't notice Palace fans complaining about human rights abuses in Chechnya for example - or the considerable number of journalists murdered after criticising the regime. More importantly for us, Russia has committed acts of terrorism on UK soil killing two UK residents and putting several others in hospital.
Re the Brexit comment, I also didnā€™t understand what ctwall was on about? And for the record (again) I DID vote for Brexit mainly because whoever we elect I want this country to make itā€™s own decisions, good or bad, right or wrong.
I didn't notice Palace fans complaining about human rights abuses in Chechnya for example
Or in China, or is that because they're sponsored by a gambling company from there :hmmm: Perhaps since the publicity stunt freaks put up there banner the civil rights abuse, torture, censorship and persecution has all stopped. Still no mention from our moral crusaders on the links one of there shareholders has with the regime that took over Newcastle :hmmm:

These bods ain't angry about none of the above, they're angry cause a team below them has blown them away and pushed them one step nearer the trap door, that and more publicity for the always ultra's pr machine.. Does anyone seriously think that a handful of deluded, zit riddled, sex starved sycophantic teenagers from Croydon and beyond care two fucks what the Geordies owners are all about?

They didn't raise an eyebrow when Man city came to town, nor Chelsea. There wasn't a word when they knocked local businesses, employees, scouts, the old bill, ambulance service and the taxman for millions, only to reform as CPFC2010. There ground and pitch side will be emblazoned with companies involved in all sorts of human right violations, betting companies from China will be flashing up odds for the next player to fart, it has been like that for years but not a fucking word from the Croydon crusaders. They couldn't give a fuck about human rights or exploitation, if they did they'd never step inside that shithole of a ground again.
Talking about this with my best mate over here in Cadiz this evening. He was one of the palace ā€œdirty thirtyā€ years ago. No action is being taken now over this banner. Itā€™s difficult to legitimately sensor something like that which is all based on known facts and in any event is actually having a go at the EPL who think they are the last word on fit and proper & rule abiding when they are anything but, for giving this ridiculously wrong thumbs up (or thumbs off) with their nelson-esque blind eye, - rather than having a go at the Saudis which they might not like it but they know what they are, Newcastle fans know what they are, the whole fuckin world knows what they are and have always been and you expect nothing else. What you donā€™t accept and whatā€™s unacceptable is the EPL their effective takeover of and ownership of a traditional top flight English Premier League Football Club which serves as condoning this evil regime
Met a few of the ā€˜D30ā€™ once. When they heard I was Millwall they went off on one trying to impress me with stories of their recent escapades. One was about a trip to Derby where one of them said ā€œyeah it was a good dirty thirty mob out that day, we was about 80 handedā€

I replied ā€œsurely if there was 80 of you, you cease to be the dirty thirty?ā€ šŸ¤·šŸ»
Met a few of the ā€˜D30ā€™ once. When they heard I was Millwall they went off on one trying to impress me with stories of their recent escapades. One was about a trip to Derby where one of them said ā€œyeah it was a good dirty thirty mob out that day, we was about 80 handedā€

I replied ā€œsurely if there was 80 of you, you cease to be the dirty thirty?ā€ šŸ¤·šŸ»

2.6 hands each.
Met a few of the ā€˜D30ā€™ once. When they heard I was Millwall they went off on one trying to impress me with stories of their recent escapades. One was about a trip to Derby where one of them said ā€œyeah it was a good dirty thirty mob out that day, we was about 80 handedā€

I replied ā€œsurely if there was 80 of you, you cease to be the dirty thirty?ā€ šŸ¤·šŸ»
Yeah that ainā€™t right šŸ˜† palace said they started out as the nifty fifty, numbers fell to become the naughty forty and they ended up the dirty thirty. I said what next geez, the empty twenty? The diminishing men of ten? Sounds blx to me but heā€™s a genuine. Right character spent time in the big house in Blighty and latterly Australia before they deported him. Heā€™s a lovely fella and thatā€™s all behind him he looks after our place when we arenā€™t here totally trust him. Doesnā€™t give it large I found out that info about him from a mutual German friend (Nuremberg fan) who has known him out here for years. He doesnt know I know we just talk footie and the good old days
Met a few of the ā€˜D30ā€™ once. When they heard I was Millwall they went off on one trying to impress me with stories of their recent escapades. One was about a trip to Derby where one of them said ā€œyeah it was a good dirty thirty mob out that day, we was about 80 handedā€

I replied ā€œsurely if there was 80 of you, you cease to be the dirty thirty?ā€ šŸ¤·šŸ»

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