Date: 5th May 2011 at 3:40pm
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Eh up. Millwall fans are today being warned of a police meltdown ahead of the all important end of season clash against Barnsley.

Just an heads up, old bill are drafting in extra officers, so it might be best if you stay tea total, have a latte and moccochocochino and make sure you leave your axes, machines guns, swords, bayonets, conkers, Millwall bricks, lasers, lethal Millwall burgers, machine guns, RPGs, anti aircraft carriers, submarines, warships, catapults, pills, downers, doves, Es, poppers, weed, bongs, roaches, herb grinders, vaporises, scales, blow, brown and charlie in a safe place before you approach the ground.

And please please please leave your tank parked around the corner, there is no parking of tanks for oppo fans in the Barnsley car park. Scooters and mopeds can be carried into the ground over the turnstiles.

Superintendent David Hartley said extra resources were in place. ‘police and stewards will be on every turnstile and anyone who was drunk, in possession of drugs or weapons would be refused entry.’ Though as one fan on MO pointed out, not arrested.

Those in fancy dress as police men are advised to relieve local police on the turnstiles by 12.20pm to ensure free entry of all of the above. There’s also no need to bring your own pigeon, they have plenty behind the bar. Same old Millwall…

Read more drugs and weaponry advice on MO