A good window made possible by the sale of Esse. He was and will be important to us as we sign younger prospects - they speak to him and he gives us glowing reports. We have to thank him for that and for the platform he has given us to be able to invest in the squad.

If I am being critical, I would’ve liked us to sign a right back on loan. And a box to box midfielder, we are crying out for that in my opinion.

I don’t think we should be in a rush to push Tanganga out the door in the summer. There will be interest, no doubt, but I can’t see him moving to a yo-yo team. By all accounts I heard he was not bothered by the interest from SUFC.

We are building a good dynamic team. The summer will be important as our defence needs revamping. Cooper and Tanganga make a decent partnership but I can’t help but think Crama will outshine Cooper when given the chance.

Bryan and Leonard will be 31 this year I think, both a bit injury prone and we should be looking to replace them.

As for the countless forwards we have signed, I can’t help but wonder what we will do with all of them? The likes of Baker, Lovelace and Matthews would probably benefit from being loaned out. However they now can’t, so face 6 months of being in the reserves?
Cundle looks like he could be box to box
Zak Sturge (LOAN) - Chelsea
Tristan Camra - Brentford
Luke Cundle - Wolves
Benicio Baker - Brighton
Camiel Neghli - Sparta Rotterdam
Zak Lovelace - Rangers
Aaron Connolly - Sunderland
Ajay Matthews - Middlesbrough
Of these, how many do you think will in and around the starting line up? My thoughts…

Zak Sturge (LOAN) - Chelsea
Tristan Camra - Brentford
Luke Cundle - Wolves
Camiel Neghli - Sparta Rotterdam
Aaron Connolly - Sunderland

Benicio Baker - Brighton
Zak Lovelace - Rangers
Ajay Matthews - Middlesbrough
I wonder what Josh Stephenson’s thoughts are in the light of Esse’s move to palace, Lovelace’s return and the positive activity around the club at the moment? 🤔

Only time will tell if he made the right decision to move to Brentford.
I wonder what Josh Stephenson’s thoughts are in the light of Esse’s move to palace, Lovelace’s return and the positive activity around the club at the moment? 🤔

Only time will tell if he made the right decision to move to Brentford.

We will buy him back in a couple of years and then sell him on again a couple years after that?
Of these, how many do you think will in and around the starting line up? My thoughts…

Zak Sturge (LOAN) - Chelsea
Tristan Camra - Brentford
Luke Cundle - Wolves
Camiel Neghli - Sparta Rotterdam
Aaron Connolly - Sunderland

Benicio Baker - Brighton
Zak Lovelace - Rangers
Ajay Matthews - Middlesbrough
Cramar is cup tied. Played for Exeter. So Zak start danny back up.
Lovelace has a toe indury. So wise to let him sit this one out.
I can see super williams on the bench (lets give him a rest)
I wonder what Josh Stephenson’s thoughts are in the light of Esse’s move to palace, Lovelace’s return and the positive activity around the club at the moment? 🤔

Only time will tell if he made the right decision to move to Brentford.
Maybe we've heard a whisper about how much from the tribunal and that's also driven some of the acquisitions?
Cramar is cup tied. Played for Exeter. So Zak start danny back up.
Lovelace has a toe indury. So wise to let him sit this one out.
I can see super williams on the bench (lets give him a rest)
Isn't danny mac out for ages there's enough midfielders who could go right back wintle even backwards billy
Zak Sturge (LOAN) - Chelsea
Tristan Camra - Brentford
Luke Cundle - Wolves
Benicio Baker - Brighton
Camiel Neghli - Sparta Rotterdam
Zak Lovelace - Rangers
Aaron Connolly - Sunderland
Ajay Matthews - Middlesbrough
Now we need those on the injured list. 🤷‍♂️
Of these, how many do you think will in and around the starting line up? My thoughts…

Zak Sturge (LOAN) - Chelsea
Tristan Camra - Brentford
Luke Cundle - Wolves
Camiel Neghli - Sparta Rotterdam
Aaron Connolly - Sunderland

Benicio Baker - Brighton
Zak Lovelace - Rangers
Ajay Matthews - Middlesbrough
I dont thik Langstaff is up to speed yet. He needs to get a couple of goals to build his confidence, He never was going to do well with stuff coming in from the wings. He is a player who feeds of through balls.

I think he's just out of form unfortunately for us.. clearly had something for Notts in the lower leagues.. I'm unsure if time is his friend here now? I hope he finds his scoring boots soon.