I turned 66 today and am now legally an old age pensioner.
Congratulations, Saxon!! Just make sure you use it to enjoy yourself. Don't waste it on stupid things like food and rent.
I have never been so well off since I started receiving my state pension.
£800 spending money every month on top of what was already a comfortable standard of living.
It has been life changing.
And don't listen to those miserable bastards who say you shouldn't get it if you already had another income.
You have worked hard all your life and you have paid for your pension.
Yeah,but they're thieving bastards,got a smallish work pension which I paid into.for 40 years and they take tax off nearly half of it
Also,I could have been registered disabled When I was 29 but too proud to accept..with the money they're throwing at you now if you're registered now I must have mad
Also,I could have been registered disabled When I was 29 but too proud to accept..with the money they're throwing at you now if you're registered now I must have mad
Fairpaly to you mate. You can hold your head high.

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