Is it time to fill the corners in?

We have a long lease that allows us to develop the land, I thought.
Who knows any more?
The goalposts shift every ten minutes regarding this issue.
I still remember when Associated Dairies were going to be our saviours by building us a stadium for free on land next to the old den.
How is that progressing?
I'm not a grounds worker or anything but looking at some old photos I took from nov 1992 it doesn't look like any footings for the corners ?
Will try and put a few more on, as I say not a ground worker or a photographer!!


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I have more but not the corners


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We was regularly selling out last season and that was when we had Rowetts drab football. Surely with Edwards now in charge the sell outs will only get more regular? We sold out v Southampton already this season. I wouldn’t be surprised if Coventry comes close after yesterdays result and Sunderland will most likely be a sell out.

So with that in mind is it time to fill the corners in? At least the ones connecting the home stands? Probably a good idea to keep a buffer between us and the away end so not worried about those ones.

Not sure what it would add on to the capacity. 5 or 6k?
Another scenario- god forbid but say we went down at some point and the gates dropped off. There'd be a whole lot of blue seats to look at mate!!!
Another scenario- god forbid but say we went down at some point and the gates dropped off. There'd be a whole lot of blue seats to look at mate!!!
Free for all in the car park if the gates fell off.
People getting up to all sorts after dark.
Lucky you!! I bet you were delighted?
I like thatb kind of stuff mate. Have hundreds of pics of the old place. Love nostalgia too. I spend hours looking at old pics and clips of our part of London from the 70's. and 80's. It's like revisiting your youth in a way when you see the old boozers, shops etc that you knew.

it's what happens when you don't have a telly.