
I may be in a minority, but he is made of glass and at 34 isn’t going to be any fitter. If he plays, will be because of injuries-he gets injured then we’re up sh#t creek!
Yeah, I know what you mean and what you said did cross my mind when I was watching/listening to NH explain how it came about. It was almost like the club let him go then for some reason, did a U-turn very recently. Although, like I said, NH explained, or attempted, to explain the reason(s).


"You can check out but you can never leave!" 😉
Yeah, I know what you mean and what you said did cross my mind when I was watching/listening to NH explain how it came about. It was almost like the club let him go then for some reason, did a U-turn very recently. Although, like I said, NH explained, or attempted, to explain the reason(s).


Tanganga misses the first 3 games? Hutchison as cover? Really can’t see Wallace playing, was turned inside out a few times last season, it won’t be any easier this season
Don't get me wrong, it's a fair comment. I just think Neil knows what he's getting so it must work for him.
These 2 new signings before Spain are certainly dragging their feet.
At this rate they’ll be signing as they go up the aeroplane steps!
A strange decision, and a very rare situation in any football club. Hutch was an amazing defender but has been in and out with injuries, yet a lot of that shit stick is aimed at Lenners.

It’s not a signing for the future, it seems to me that we may have an issue with club captaincy, which is what I see Hutch as. With Fantastic Tango signing and Coops still in the loop, I’m not sure why we bring Hutch back - as cover and experience maybe. Won’t be cheap if he doesn’t play - so don’t really get it.

I’m not a negative fan, but I’m not sure as to why we go back to a released player that seems passed his best and struggled with injury for a few season. Love him, but don’t know why he’s back.
Welcome home Hutch but I really hope he is here as cover and just a dressing room captain, great player to come on and see out a game but he has had his day and we must have some kids that are ready ? NH it would seem thinks not .
There is a school of thought that says this proves that Harris cannot attract enough quality players.
We've had a quality defender come in on loan nearly each season for a while now. We are in credit with a few clubs on that front and i don't think there is any issue in finding a centre half either on loan or to buy.

I believe that Hutchinson won't be on the same contractual terms or dough than he previously was. Quite possible that it's based on appearances. Pretty common now with reduced terms and more than likely an agreement to terminate early if injuries mean he can't play. I think his leadership skills and presence on the training field, in the changing room and out on the pitch may be behind Harris's decision.
We've had a quality defender come in on loan nearly each season for a while now. We are in credit with a few clubs on that front and i don't think there is any issue in finding a centre half either on loan or to buy.

I believe that Hutchinson won't be on the same contractual terms or dough than he previously was. Quite possible that it's based on appearances. Pretty common now with reduced terms and more than likely an agreement to terminate early if injuries mean he can't play. I think his leadership skills and presence on the training field, in the changing room and out on the pitch may be behind Harris's decision.
Absolutely P. Bomber signed the man Hutch is first and foremost. I'm sure he'll more than hold is own when called on. That's a "real Wall" signing.
Perhaps Harris has bought Hutch back into the fold because he feels that the squad needs his experience and leadership qualities after a tragic and traumatic loss of a team mate. You only have to watch Coopers interview after Sarkic passed away to see the devastation he was feeling, in my opinion the loss of someone who was obviously so popular could affect the players more than the death of JB a year ago. If Hutch is there to guide the squad and provide excellent back up in defence I can’t see any problem with it.

Of course some of our holier than thou supporters have taken to social media to complain about this, desperate to find something to slag the club off over. The same people who without a hint of irony or self awareness demand that the club mark Matijas passing with minutes applauses, retiring shirt numbers and video montages instead of recognising that the actual people who may be suffering could need some support in a more practical way.

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