2024-25 League Ladders Game (32) Table


Staff member
Version 1

Predictions for this game 5 home wins, 11 draws and 11 away wins.

Coldblower: You submitted 2 predictions, unfortunately for you the 2nd overrides the 1st :cry:

As always, please check carefully:

1. Your prediction has been entered.

2. Your prediction has been entered correctly.

3. You agree with your points total.

If any of the above is wrong, identify the problem within this “Table” Thread and I’ll investigate.

If you have trouble reading, click on the relevant attachment at the bottom of this message to display a version that is easier to read.

NP = No prediction this game.
"*" = Joker Used.

2024-25 League Ladders Table (32) Part 1.png2024-25 League Ladders Table (32) Part 2.png
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Coldblower: It could have been worse, a woman on Deal or No Deal has just accepted £8,700 when she had £75,000 in her box😉
Coldblower: It could have been worse, a woman on Deal or No Deal has just accepted £8,700 when she had £75,000 in her box😉
Would be nice to have time to watch TV at this time in the morning! Strange taking an amount that low as you wouldn't go on the show if that was the top prize so you might aswell gamble
Would be nice to have time to watch TV at this time in the morning! Strange taking an amount that low as you wouldn't go on the show if that was the top prize so you might aswell gamble
Unfortunately I have problems sleeping (I think that’s down to the nasty things some on here say about me playing on my mind 😢) so after finishing Nerdle, Wordle, several Killer Sudokus and reading all the posts on here there’s few things left for me to do 😉
Unfortunately I have problems sleeping (I think that’s down to the nasty things some on here say about me playing on my mind 😢) so after finishing Nerdle, Wordle, several Killer Sudokus and reading all the posts on here there’s few things left for me to do 😉
No Kakuro?