2024-25 League Ladders Game (14) Table


Staff member
Version 1

Predictions for this game 4 home wins, 12 draws and 14 away wins.

Peckham Lion: For the 2nd time in recent weeks you've posted 2 predictions :wagging: Lucky for you, this time the 2nd one was correct :slap:

As always, please check carefully:

1. Your prediction has been entered.

2. Your prediction has been entered correctly.

3. You agree with your points total.

If any of the above is wrong, identify the problem within this “Table” Thread and I’ll investigate.

If you have trouble reading, click on the relevant attachment at the bottom of this message to display a version that is easier to read.

NP = No prediction this game.
"*" = Joker Used.

2024-25 League Ladders Table (14) Part 1.png2024-25 League Ladders Table (14) Part 2.png
Of cause it’s allowed, you seem to be doing that a lot, it’s just I have to be extra vigilant to make sure I enter the latest prediction 😉
Fair enough.I have changed my mind and that's down to team availibilty news.
I’ll forgive you 😉
Thanks. I can guarantee you that it isn't some cunning ploy. I rarely get one correct :grinning: I notice you haven't hit form yet, J! You are usually there or there abouts! I'll admit that we are very unpredictable this season.
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Of cause it’s allowed, you seem to be doing that a lot, it’s just I have to be extra vigilant to make sure I enter the latest prediction 😉
Start from the 'latest' predictions and work your way up... the issue will sort itself out.... You're welcome ;)
Start from the 'latest' predictions and work your way up... the issue will sort itself out.... You're welcome ;)
Thanks for suggesting what I already do:slap:

It’s not an issue its just when I find the original prediction I have to double check it has been superseded by the second and that I’ve not miss posted the latter prediction 🤷‍♂️

I just enjoy reprimanding others 😉
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