Following Saturday’s scoreless draw with Bradford City, a better assessment has now been done on Tony Craig and it’s not great news, although it could’ve been worse.
The centre half had to come off after ten minutes of the second half having blocked a shot from James Hanson, and unfortunately for him he has sustained damage to both his lateral ligament and hamstring tendon.
Speaking to the official site physio Bobby Bacic explained.
‘All the players currently in the treatment room are due to the result of tackles. Tony Craig has suffered an injury to his left knee whilst performing a heroic flying block during the Bradford match. He has escaped cruciate ligament damage, but has significantly damaged his lateral ligament and hamstring tendon. He is currently in a protective brace and on crutches and will see the surgeon later in the week. This will allow the swelling and pain to settle so the surgeon can fully evaluate the knee and decide the best course of action. We will update everyone later in the week.’
In terms of a wider injury update given the pens were out and the notepads open, Bacic went on to say.
‘On a happier note, Shaun Willliams came through the bruising Bradford encounter without any reaction to his back injury. The Tuesday before the match Shaun was still a little lop-sided and I was telling the manager he would be lucky to be available for the following week. By Thursday Shaun was declaring himself ready to go, he joined in a modified training session specially adapted for him on Friday.’
‘Shaun had treatment every day including acupuncture and hanging upside down in a contraption called an ‘inversion table’. He also had home visits from our soft tissue specialist Joe Sundborg and assistant physio Steve Brown which helped his progress, along with Shaun’s steely determination.’
Next up was Ed Upson and Bacic confirmed he was making good progress and it was hoped he would return to training next week to step up his rehabilitation work further. Jimmy Abdou has also had a week back in France in his own recovery work, and the target for his return remains next month.
‘Lastly Sid Nelson suffered a heavily bruised metatarsal during the last U21s match against Colchester United and is being monitored.’
Vital Millwall on:
Vital Millwall on:
Craig Set For A Spell On The Sidelines